
Unfair launch the OBA v2

Unfair has released the second version of its Online Brain Analysis tool. The algorithm has been rewritten to more finely analyze individuals beyond the 16 main profiles.

The difference between a neurological and psychological analysis

Psychological and neurological analyses both aim at identifying the way a person functions (their decision-making process, self-organization, etc.). While both methods might seem nearly the same, the process contains strong differences.

Why some of your brain zones have low activity (and why it is normal)

In the analysis Unfair uses to help founders and investors, a bird’s eye view map of the brain is provided. Some people tend to think the more active brain zones they have, the better. In this article we will explain why reality is more complex than just that.

3 reasons to build on your strengths to evolve in a startup

A startup is constantly evolving, growth requires an ever faster pace and each new round of funding shakes up the organizational structure. During these times, each team member’s tasks are shifting and, increasingly more people begin to manage. That’s a transition that is not always easy for most new managers - 55.1% of them to be exact. In this article you can expect to learn the basics on how to make these transitions easy, by leveraging your strengths.

Why putting people into boxes is necessary

Unfair uses an online brain analysis (OBA) for which each result is symbolized by a profile of 3 letters (XMO, AIO, EVD...). Many people think that we put entrepreneurs into boxes. It's true and we hesitated for a long time before doing so. It is by seeing the benefits that we decided to do it intentionally. Here is why we think putting people into boxes is necessary.

How did Unfair determine which brain corresponds to which job?

In the online brain analysis, the technology Unfair use to analyze entrepreneurs, we identify which roles are best suited for a person according to the way their brain function. Today, we explain the methodology we have followed to determine which brain is most suited for a job.

Ambition doesn't exist

Are you dreaming of becoming the next Apple? The next Google? The truth is that most of the well known entrepreneurs had no ambition. Some got it with time, others never did. Yet, they built giant companies. Therefore, is ambition that important? No.

Is the OBA a bullshit analysis?

The OBA (online brain analysis) has been developed after 5 years of research with 8 renowned VCs. At first, it might be hard to tell the difference between an OBA and an online assessment, we know. Here's how the OBA is different.

People don't change, stop trying

One of the pillars of Unfair's profound beliefs is that people don't drastically change over the course of their life. This observation, both scientific (based on the functioning of the brain) and historical (based on past experiences of the best startups) is fundamental for those who want to help entrepreneurs in an impactful way.

Elveo becomes Unfair

We're launching Unfair, the only way to face and avoid the problems causing startup death and poor VC investments. And today, it all starts with VCs.